Starting Work - (already have a clone on your box)
> git pull origin master (or branch name)
> git branch MyShinyNewFeature (create new branch)
> git checkout MyShinyNewFeature (switch to that branch)
Then do you work
Doing Work
Add all new files to current branch, commit files, push to remote server (origin)
> git add . (add all files)
> git commit -m 'message here'
> git push origin MyShinyNewFeature (save files to server)
Finishing your work for the day while on your branch
[MyShinyNewFeature] > git checkout master (switch to master)
[master] > git pull origin master (update local copy of master)
[master]> git checkout MyShinyNewBranch (switch to your branch)
[MyShinyNewBranch] git merge origin master (merge master into your branch)
See Doing work to commit the merge.
Merging new feature into master
issue a pull request to integrate your branch into master, it better merge without any errors.
> get fetch (every once in a while just run this)
Simple Definitions
- add . (adds all files, you still need to commit)
- commit - something you do after add
- fetch - download the code from the server
- pull - is a fetch and merge in one command
- clone - copies code from the server to your box. Usually the first thing you do when starting a project.
- origin - is a shortcut term for a remote server url
- checkout is how you switch branches. You can checkout local or remote branches.
- branch - does branching stuff
- .gitignore - this is a file that prevents certain files from being checked in. There are several good ones out there.
Note: I like the github for Windows git client. I like that it stores the password without any extra work. It also generates ssh keys for you.
"git fetch" vs "git fetch", yes?