Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Do not use RequireJs and AngularJs

Do not use RequireJs with AngularJs.  It is premature optimization.  I have read many posts where they show how to use requireJs.  I have not seen one post that has empirical data PROOVING that using RequireJs improves the overall user experience in any significant way.

I suggest mastering alternative strategies for ng-repeat if you want to optimize something.

I spent a year and a half writing 25,000 lines of AngularJs code with no problems! We were bad developers and did not even minify and consolidating our JavaScript. The JavaScript was in ~30 different files. (We wanted to min and consolidate but the usual tools were not allowed in our secure and constrained environment.)

Most of the noise about using RequireJs is theoretical. I have yet to read a post where a team could not satisfy performance requirements established by the business using AngularJs and had to refactor to using RequireJs for lazy loading.

If the wire is your worry...

  • consolidate your JavaScript into one file,
  • minimizing that file,
  • compress files across the wire
In most AngularJs apps the images are probably larger than the JavaScript.

Even Brian Ford recommends not using RequireJs with AngularJs. http://briantford.com/blog/huuuuuge-angular-apps

I would like to post more on the mechanics of AngularJs and why I feel this way, but time is short today.

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